Destination Travel: Cuba

Ah, the wind down of summer in Montana - a time when we begin thinking of places we can scratch the fishing itch when temps dip below freezing and the ground is covered in snow here in Bozeman. Where should we travel this fall? Winter? Spring? What species of fish do we want to chase? 

Already on the books - Jason will again be hosting trips to Cuba in January 2025 - one trip on a live-a-board; the other will be land-based at a resort. This will be the third year Jason has traveled to Cuba, which is a testament to how good the fishing is!

Cayo Romano (Land-based)

Located on the north shore of the eastern province of Camaguey, the Cayo Romano fishery is an enormous system of flats, lagoons and pristine estuaries. Located in Jardines del Rey, commercial fishing within this designated area is strictly forbidden and rigorously enforced. The sportfish - only area is 366 square kilometers in size, meaning that on the average day, each skiff has over 50 square kilometers to itself. The fishing area is virtually untouched and represents one of the cleanest and most biologically diverse ecosystems we’ve ever fished. This is one of the other reasons we have chosen this destination. It is still relatively untouched and has only seen anglers for the past few seasons! The fish are plentiful and aggressive. Also, those concerned by the occasional cold fronts from the north during January to March can be assured that Cayo Romano is privileged in having an extensive string of cays on its northern border, which protects it from all but the most violent of weather patterns.

Openings available: 1 (Contact us for more information and pricing)

Jardines de la Reina, Gardens of the Queen Destinations (Live-a-Board)

This vast marine park, which is bigger in size than the Florida Keys, is ideal for fly fishermen who wish to live and experience fishing from dawn till dusk. Here we offer more fishing hours than any other destination.

Jardines de la Reina is for those looking for adventure, absolutely amazing food with fresh seafood every day, and complete comfort. We transfer guests by bus from Havana to Jucaro port (5 hour drive), and then a 3-hour boat ride to final destinations which are approximately 60 miles from the Jucaro port. Here we have our floating hotel, Tortuga (1-14 anglers), and 4 yachts; Jardines Avalon I, Jardines Avalon II, Jardines Avalon III and Perola. All accommodations are equipped with air conditioning, large dining areas, and an exclusive crew. Guests on these programs can enjoy their fishing dreams from the minute they step aboard and will be able to fish more hours and more species than in any other Caribbean destination.

Here you will cast for large Tarpons (perhaps less BIG tarpon than on Isla de la Juventud, but more classic flats fishing for big Tarpon and more variety). JDR is full of everything - Tarpon of all sizes, Permit, Bones, Jacks, Barracuda - you name it. JDR is the favorite fishery of all destinations for many anglers around the world.

Openings available: 0 (feel free to email us to have your name added to a waiting list in case of a cancellation.)

In the Works

In March, our family is scheduled to travel to the New Orleans area, where in addition to taking in the local culture, food, and sites, we’ll be exploring opportunities for hosting a trip in the region. The trip will likely be during one of our shoulder seasons (either spring or fall), and the primary species that we’ll target is Redfish. We’ll keep you posted as details develop!

What’s on Your Bucket List?

Have a particular place or fish you’d like to chase after with us? Drop us a line - we’re always looking for new ideas and experiences.

Ciera Krinke

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What’s the Best Month to Fly Fish in Montana?